Friday, May 22, 2009

Reflection One

1. Tell us about the festival you celebrate.
I celebrate racial harmony day.

2. Why do you celebrate this festival?
So that people will not have war and fight with each other and so that we will get to know more friends.

3. How do you celebrate the festival?
We celebrate the festival by playing with different people that we do not know.
And eating with other people.

4. Do you know what are the festivals celebrated by the other races? If so, could you name a few? Also tell us who celebrate them and why they celebrate them.
Yes! I know some other festivals are celebrated.And they are Chinese New Year,Christmas,Deepavali.

5. Do you think the celebration of the various festivals help in strengthening racial harmony among the various race in Singapore? If so, how?
I think it helps a bit Chinese New Year helps the people to make friends with each other too.

6. In your opinion, how can we develop stronger bonds among the various races in Singapore?
By caring for others and sharing things with them.

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